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Editor Profiles

All editors have a profile. This is a page on DMOZ that: lists the categories you edit; provides a link for others to send you feedback; and allows you to include brief biographical information. Profiles are linked from the bottom of categories for which you are listed editor, and from all posts you make in the forums.

Public Profiles Compared with Editor-only Profiles

DMOZ editors can view a different version of an editor's profiles than non-editors can. For example, an editor-only profile is and a public profile is The main difference is that the former contains links to various logs, making it far more useful for editors. In addition, if you send an editor feedback via their public profile you'll need to enter details such as your e-mail address and name; whereas if you use their editor-side profile this information will be included automatically.

Customizing Profiles

As mentioned above, you can include some personal information in your profile. This can be anything from your geographical location and interests, to a fully-fledged biography. To add information to your profile, first chose the 'Change Profile' option from the grey vertical column on your dashboard. In the appropriate box, enter your desired text.

Using HTML in Profiles

You can use HTML markup in profiles, so you have control over formatting and layout, and can even include pictures (as long as they are stored on an external server; DMOZ does not provide hosting). Unfortunately, using HTML is not as simple as inputting the necessary code into the text box; if inputted wrongly the code will be displayed as text. The profile should start with a <P> tag, followed by a blank line. Then, the HTML should be all one line, i.e. there should be no line breaks between elements. If you are unfamiliar with HTML then I suggest you consult an on-line tutorial, such as the ones listed in Computers: Data_Formats: Markup_Languages: HTML: Tutorials: Beginners.