Centralizing and Consolidating Kids Education and Homework Categories
Editors expressed an interest in a category for kids to use.  A discussion took place and it is currently being implemented.


New Forum
After many requests from the editors, bruns announces the birth of the Penguin Cafe, a new social club forum.


What sucked you in?
Editors discussion on how they found the ODP and why they've stayed, in the new Penguin Cafe.


self-Inflicted Wound
Dannyboy announces his decision to resign as meta and return to editall/catmv.


I Unintentionally Artificially Inflated My Editing Statistics
How metas look at editing statistics when reviewing new cat perms is discussed.


Arkansas editors: Localities DeWitt vs. De Witt
How to properly name towns is discussed.


And Finally...
Meta Theme Song (filk)
Meta editor Hutcheson has written a theme song based on "You are old, Father William" by Lewis Carroll from Alice in Wonderland.