Shop 'til you drop for interesting categories in some of the new Shopping categories created during the recent reorganization.

Let them entertain you in the new Entertainment category where you can buy equipment and music to make your heart sing or keep the neighbors awake at night.

We all like our toys and now we can play around in the new, 1,100 site category, Toys and Games, recently moved out from under Children and into the top level of Shopping.

Well, who knew they'd FINALLY get married!  Shop for the wedding gift in the new, top-level category Weddings, the result of a recent merger of  wedding gift sales sites in Gifts and sites formally residing in Society.

OK, Gov. Whitman, so you want us to visit New Jersey and you say there are casinos, cranberry bogs, a great view of New York City, and the Jersey Devil?  Read all about it, and other legendary creatures, in the new Jersey Devil category, residing in Science/Anomalies and Alternative

Auntie Hortense returned from her South American trip with special gifts for one and all, and yours turned out to be the  25 lb. bag of Brazil Nuts. Before you feed them to the squirrels, visit the new Home/Recipes/Nuts and Seeds and learn about all the different kinds of fruit cakes you can make
with Brazil Nuts that you are sure Auntie will enjoy next Christmas.

So you want that garden to magically appear next spring and show the Christmas Tree Lights neighbor across the street that you do too care about appearances?  Visit the developing Home/Gardens/Plants/Bulbs category and plan a garden that turns on when winter fades.