What's your favorite music group???
Flame uses cunning in the General forum to attract editors in his plea for help in Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists.


The Many Cats of Shakespeare
Shakespeare had been cloned into five categories in the directory.  Chunt brought this to our attention in Ontology where the overlap was discussed and resolved.


Attention: Editors sending sites from topical cats to Regional
Orlady posted a gentle remember in ODP Culture for editors who are sending sites to Regional.


Category Application Standards
Arlarson posted a thread to discuss standards for editors applying with the new category permissions form.


World/Suomi forum requested
Susanna requests a World/Suomi forum as the World/General forum is being flooded with Suomi posts.


And Finally...
You know you're addicted to ODP when...
As of 17 May, this thread was at 889 posts.