Dear Nan, I currently edit Recreation/Fowl/Penguins/. I would like to edit Recreation/Fowl/Penguins/Recipes/. How do I get editing rights to this category? -Editor Eager Hi!, Funnily enough, you already have access! You can edit in any category below you without having to specifically apply for it. Just remember to check for active editors where you want to help out. -Nan Dear Nan, How do I create a bookmark? I keep hearing other editors telling me to put it in my bookmarks. I'm not sure what they are on about. -Bookmarked Hey Bookmarked, When you were accepted to join the ODP, you were given editing privileges in two categories - the category you applied for, and your bookmarks. They are there for you to list whatever you like, as long as it does not oppose the editor guidelines. You can edit in your bookmarks as you would in any other category, but it is very unlikely that you'll ever see unreviewed there ;-) . Also, you are the only editor who can edit in your bookmarks, so they are your personal directory. For more information, click on the [notice] button next to your bookmark category, on editor main. -Nan Dear Nan, What is an affiliate site? or a doorway site? or a mirror? I have no idea - please help! - Worried in Wisconsin Hi Worried, First of all, there is no need to worry - you did the right thing by asking. Affiliate links are links to a commercial site that usually, but not always, include an ID in the URL, such as AffiliateID=19555&ProductID=508. The person whose ID is in the link gets a commission from anyone who buys from the site after following that link. Sites that consist primarily of links to buy books or CDs, etc. and/or provide no unique content should not be included in the directory. It is okay to list sites that include unique content in addition to an affiliate link or two. Unique content is the key. Doorways are simply pages that lead to another, already listed site. Mirrors are copies of already listed sites in another location. For example, the site http://go.to/loseweight/ is a doorway to the site http://www.angelfire.com/pe/loseweight/index.html. Instead of listing the doorway page, it is better to list the actual URL. An example of a mirror would be http://www.aa.com and http://www.americanairlines.com. In this case, either URL would be appropriate but listing both would be inappropriate. If you have a question about a specific URL, you may want to ask higher level editors in your subject area or post your question to the New Editors forum for input from many friendly editors, old and new. -Nan Feel free to send your questions to me via feedback. |