Call for help by JSchwart
Looking for a new category to edit? A complete list of Help Wanted categories in all subject branches is available at Test/Help Wanted. However, there are a number of interesting categories with a large number of unreviewed that deserve to be highlighted. Please note that a call for help doesn't necessarily mean that the current editors are doing a poor job - only that the category could use some extra attention. Thanks to everyone who's signed up for a category from this list. Many of last month's most desperate categories now have only a very small number of unreviewed! Great job, everyone! Note - when applying for any of these categories, please remember that just because a category is listed doesn't mean metas will auto-approve people for them. These categories will be treated like any other category by metas when approving/rejecting category requests. If you're interested in a category but don't think you have enough experience, consider applying for one of its subcategories first.

Special Note!
Think you might like editing in the new Kids and Teens branch? Why not give it a try? All ODP editors applying for new permissions in Kids and Teens are evaluated on their knowledge of subject areas, but even more important their willingness to help create a kids and teens safe directory. 

Kids and Teens needs experienced editors to develop the subcategories under Your Family such as Divorce, Brothers and Sisters, and Grandparents.

Editors are also needed to help develop Celebrity and Movie categories in Kids and Teens/Entertainment and Dance in the Kids and Teens/Arts category.