ODP in the Press

Mind Over Matter: Online volunteers donate their brainpower, Houston Chronicle, April 5, 2001.


ODP staff is pleased to announce that the Japanese ODP has broken the 10,000 url mark. Congratulations to all who have contributed to this section of the Directory.

The Semi-Annual Official Unofficial Editor Awards were held this spring. Learn more in the following thread: http://dmoz.org/forum/threaddisplay.cgi?t=Forum35/HTML/000836.html.

As many of you know, Netscape Communications Corporation hosts and administers the Open Directory. In an era of increasing commercialization of the Web and search engines, the ODP is one of the last bastions of the free and open Interent. To reaffirm Netscape's commitment to keep the ODP a free, open, and non-commercial resource, we have issued a Social Contract with the Web community. For further background, check out the General forum thread: http://dmoz.org/forum/threaddisplay.cgi?t=Forum1/HTML/003622.html.