Editor Awards
by rpfuller

This past season we had some editor awards. Some people nominated, some people got nominated, some people voted, some people won, and some people got some funky award graphics.

You can find a list of winners at http://dmoz.org/forum/threaddisplay.cgi?t=Forum35/HTML/002138.html#item94

If you want to hear what other people are saying about the awards you'll be wanting the "Acceptance Speeches".

That is all.

Oh, you want more? OK... But, before you continue, please ask yourself:

  1. Are you offended by irreverence? (Albeit faux-irreverence)
  2. Are you offended by irrelevance?
  3. Are you offended by inane sarcastic cynicism?
  4. Does the thought of reading anything by rpfuller conjure up thoughts of suicide?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above, you should click the Home button. Yes, that's the Home button. Really, you should click the Home button.

If you're still here, you'll be wanting "An Irreverent, Irrelevant, Inanely Sarcastic, Cynical Diary of the Editor Awards". Enjoy.

- rpfuller

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