Ontology Beats

Business | Regional | Regional/UK | Science | Shopping | Sports | World | World/Deutsch


Factory Mozilla Business/ is continuing its slow, careful process of reorganization, currently in Phase 2b. Real Estate has made the most progress, and Consumer Goods and Services is not far behind. Other teams are forming on an ongoing basis including discussions on Publishing and Printing, Translation and Globalization, and various other third level categories. Discussions for and about Phase 3 categories have already begun in a few of the other Topical trees. If you've ever wanted to learn taxonomy and ontology skills from the ground up, now's the time to hop on board. A recent effort was also made to decrease the number of duplicate submissions residing in unreviewed, dropping the green level by approximately 10,000 sites; it currently sits around 92%. Editors with a proven record of quality editing standards are encouraged to apply either for greenbusting or editing permissions in Business cats of interest.

- mngolden


Teepee Mozilla Regional/ is full of places to go, and people to meet. It recently hit the milemarker of 900,000 sites and United States hit 500,000. Editors continue to come up with additional template categories. Recent discussion has centered on Activism v. Issues, and placement of Computer User Groups, Yoga, and Biographies. Interest is growing for countries and continents previously lacking editors, especially Africa and eastern Europe. Asian editors continue to be active as well and their ongoing efforts for cleaning up much outdated taxonomy are becoming more and more apparent. The importance of charters (and the present lack thereof) in Regional has also been a growing concern. The Hometown-Editing Brigade thread in General brought many fresh new editors to Regional. If you're not interested in editing someplace you know, how about signing up for someplace you've never been? Categories are standing by...

- mngolden


United Kingdom Mozilla

Since acquiring our 'independence' from the main Regional forum back in August 2001, the Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom category has grown by 60,000 sites -- an increase of over 50%, and despite the recent Robozilla run we're on target to hit 140,000 sites by the end of the year.

This has been partly due to an influx of new and enthusiastic editors, such as denisnelson and nsc54, and the promotion of other more established editors: kevinb was recently promoted to Europe, and paulknight, edwardeldridge, whoamiuk and ahjl now have the whole of England on their dashboards. grafixman, who shortly after the last Ontology Beats became a Catmod, has now become our second UK-focused Meta, along with merlin1. The Regional//UK team were also runners-up in the 'Best Editing team' award in the November 2002 Mozzies.

November 2002 Editor Awards - Best Editing Team (Runner-up)> - Regional: Europe: United_Kingdom

Current areas of focus are Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Berkshire - a county with a high population but still lagging behind mainly rural counties like North Yorkshire and Lincolnshire where sheep outnumber people by a considerable ratio. Kent, Staffordshire and West Yorkshire have seen some much needed work and jezza has taken on the task of tidying Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Arts_and_Entertainment after some good category building in Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Bristol. Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy is also getting some more attention to clear the huge backlog of submitted sites that plagues that area. Some work has also gone on to help bring the category structure in line with the new British English Template, which was devised over the summer and is based on the new Regional Template, but with adaptions made to cater for the minor differences in language and culture that we Brits have :).

- totalxsive


Electrical Mozilla

Science/ has seen an increased level of activity with various moves to standardise its ontology. In particular, a move towards the adoption of a common template for topical categories has been discussed. On other fronts, lissa has been leading a catbust in the area of Chemistry, in particular with regard to realignment in the light of the reorganisation in Business/. Various discussions with regard to reorganising the biological categories have taken place, with leannabartram taking the lead there. There has also been a reorganisation of Evolutionary Biology led by fantasyf1. In general, it has to be appreciated that, more than any other area in the directory perhaps, Science/ requires a high level of specialist knowledge in order to edit. It's not uncommon for me to have to ask fellow editors about various topics in the subject, or look up a copy of my 1st year textbook on biochemistry, before I comment. It's a strength of DMOZ that it is able to incorporate the viewpoints of different sides of a subject, and to use expertise in organising categories; and I thank the various editors who contribute both their time and their knowledge and understanding into growing the directory.

- yklaw


Mozilla with Gifts Major work continues in Shopping/Clothing, Shopping/Health/Beauty, and Shopping/Toys_and_Games. Shopping/General_Merchandise was discussed and created for sites which offer a large variety of merchandise spanning many of the top level categories. Discussion is currently underway to determine the definition of Care Packages under Shopping/Gifts/Gift_Baskets. Shopping has gained a few new top level editors in recent months, as well as a new cateditall and catmod. Finally, many Shopping editors are volunteering their services to the major Business re-organization, in particular helping to mirror Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services to the ontology in Shopping/ whenever possible.

- anelder


Mountain Biking Mozilla

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Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley Mozilla Smiley

A big thanks to all the editors contributing to pushing Sports/ over the top of 100,000 sites! This includes the incredible Sports/Motorsports/Auto_Racing team which, for a brief period, got their greens to zero, Sports/Football/American which also got greens down to zero, the fine work of Catbusters and the Martial_Arts editing team, and the continued efforts of all the other editors in Sports. 5 of the 7 second level categories having 5000+ sites have unrevieweds of 4% or less. What a feat!

On a less exciting note, cleanup and reorgs are continuing in Auto_Racing, Martial_Arts, and Skiing.

- gti96


Atlas Mozilla

World/ has experienced a period of growth over the past few months, and whilst it is difficult to do justice in this report to all of the area, since I don't speak all of the languages, I daresay that it has experienced a sterling period of growth. I know a few other languages will be presenting their developments in various ontology beats. In particular, various reorganisation efforts in areas without adequate catmv coverage have been spectacular, for instance in World/Czech, World/Indonesia and World/Português, to name just a few. Thanks, everyone, for your support and efforts!

- yklaw

A few figures: World passed Regional on December 6th and is now over 900,000. During the last quarter, World/Español and World/Français joined World/Deutsch in the club of languages with more than 100,000 listings. However, World/Deutsch is well ahead of them and is now approching 250,000. Since the last issue, World/Russian, World/Türkçe, World/Norsk and World/Português passed the 10,000 mark, as did the combined forces of Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional.

- tuisp


Da Vinci Mozilla

In Computer (Computers) it's rather quiet at the moment. But the editors are already planning the next big reorg: Computer/Spiele and Freizeit/Spiele will be merged to create a new top level category, World/Deutsch/Spiele, similar to Games. (ikoch)

In Freizeit (Recreation) the category Haustiere (Pets) has been enlarged considerably -- osiria especially has been very busy in that area. The category was chosen runner-up as "Best Category with 500-5000 sites" in the Autumn Mozzies. The biggest reorg was the dissolution of Fahrzeug, whose content was sorted into the new categories Auto (Autos), Schifffahrt (Boating), Bahn (Trains and Railroads), Luftfahrt (Aviation) and Motorrad (Motorcycles). Audio_and_Video was divided into Audio and Kultur/Film/Heimkino (Arts/Movies/Home_Video) according to the English model. (albinfo)

In Gesellschaft (Society) vieselmeier in Arbeit und Beruf (Work) and uzs980 in Verkehr (Transportation) und Umwelt (Environment) have been very busy with building and improving the structure. The category Staat_und_Politik (Government and Politics) has been dissolved, and we've started to bring Staat (Government) and Politik (Politics) in line with the structure in Top. (chris2001)

Gesundheit (Health) has two new toplevel editors, wofri and gloecknerd. Krankheiten_und_Beschwerden (Conditions and Deseases) and Krankenhäuser_und_Kliniken (Hospitals) have been restructured and considerably enlarged. Other areas improved are Psyche (Mental Health) and Alternative Medizin (Alternative), where morgenstern and werth have been very active. At the moment, the main goals are to bring the structure in line with the English structure, and to reduce the build-up of greens caused by the retirement of several senior Health editors. (gloecknerd)

In Kultur (Arts) knut has been very busy building the Film-category (Movies), and jazzntango has turned Darstellende_Kunst/Tanz (Dance) into a model category. The new team, grma, liszt and u1amo01, has brought fresh air into Musik (Music). With olri's help, lots of categories were reorganised, and all sites dedicated to specific musicians double listed in Musik/Genres (Styles) and Musik/Musiker (Bands and Artists). grma especially has worked through unbelievable amounts of Greens. (u1amo01)

In Medien (News and Media) Wetter (Weather) was reorganised and considerably enlarged -- a result of our efforts to offer information related to the floods in Europe last summer. And a new category Internationale Presse (Newspapers/International) has been created. (frasch)

In Online-Shops (Shopping), editors have introduced lots of new subcategories and improved the existing structure. Hopefully this will help to sort the large numbers of greens (more then 11,000).

Regional editors have been busy with reorganisations of country categories. A large number of countries -- especially Schweiz (Switzerland), Deutschland (Germany) and Österreich (Austria) -- had topical cats more appropriate for the topical part of World/Deutsch. The moves are still going on, but hopefully the process will be finished soon. (rjfox)

Sport (Sports) has been reorganised. Site numbers have grown from 3,000 to 14,000 sites, and the structure has been improved and refined. The reorg was led by olri and rjfox, who moved thousands of sites. (rjfox)

The editors in Wirtschaft (Business) are realising the major reorg according to the reorganisation of the English top level category. At the moment, the preferred terms are being discussed.

Soon we'll pass the 20,000 mark -- among editors who contributed to this are glatthor, tomparis and uzs980. frasch is improving Kultur_und_Unterhaltung (Arts and Entertainment), fertighausfachberater supporting Bauwesen (Construction and Maintenance), but there are numerous other editors working to create the best German language directory for business sites.

The main problem is the high numbers of greens (more then 25,000), so we'd appreciate support from other editors -- suggestions can be found in Help Wanted or in the forum. Join us, Wirtschaft ist spannend! (carstenrun)

Wissen (Reference) is the former toplevel "Nachschlagen". The category Weiterbildung was enlarged and restructured by vieselmeier. Over the next few months, we plan to build an Alphabar for Biographies similar to the one in Reference/Biographies. Hopefully this project will help to enlarge and standardize personalities-subcats all over World/Deutsch. (chris2001)

The most important issue in Wissenschaft (Science) is the reorganisation of Recht (Science/Law). We're presently discussing the future structure of the category. It has already been decided that the topic subcategories will be moved to Gesellschaft/Recht (Society/Law).

A lot of work was done in Sprache und_Linguistik (Language and Linguistics). At the moment, we're discussing if language schools and material for teachers and pupils should be included.

Another important project was the recently finished reorganisation of Geschichte (History). And in Geowissenschaften (Earth Sciences), new categories were created for Geochemie (Geochemistry), Geophysik (Geophysics), Geomatik (Geomatics) and Ozeanographie (Oceanography). (tomparis)

The former Haus_und_Garten-category has been renamed: Zuhause (Home).

The new Adult toplevel editors martinanied and cavalcanti are guiding the efforts to improve the structure all over the category. aero7 has translated the Adult guidelines. And the creation of the Pinguin Nachtclub (Penguin Nightclub) has improved the entertainment programme for grown-up penguins and World/Deutsch-editors.

Special Events: Two editor meetings took place in Zurich (14.9.2002) and Cologne (7.12.2002). If you want to join the next meeting, join the discussion on location and date!

- The World/Deutsch-Team

World/Deutsch (German Language Version)

In Computer ist es momentan recht ruhig. Der nächste größere Umbau betrifft die Kategorie Computer/Spiele, die mit Freizeit/Spiele zur neuen Toplevelkategorie  World/Deutsch/Spiele zusammengefasst werden soll, um diesen Teil endlich an Top anzugleichen. (ikoch)

In Freizeit wurde die Kategorie Haustiere fleißig ausgebaut, wobei vor allem osiria großen Einsatz leistete. Die Kategorie wurde bei der Mozzie-Wahl im November für die Beste Kategorie mit 500 - 5000 Seiten als Runner-Up gewählt. Den grössten Umbau stellt die Auflösung der Fahrzeug-Kategorie dar, die in die
Kategorien Auto, Schifffahrt, Bahn, Luftfahrt und Motorrad aufgeteilt wurde. Auch die "Audio und Video" wurde gemäss englischem Muster
aufgeteilt in Audio und Kultur/Film/Heimkino. (albinfo)

In Gesellschaft haben vor allem vieselmeier in Arbeit und Beruf und uzs980 in Verkehr und Umwelt fleißig gebaut. Die Kategorie Staat_und_Politik wurde unterteilt, und die Anpassung von Staat und Politik an die Strukturen der anderen Sprachen des ODP in Angriff genommen. (chris2001)

Gesundheit hat mit wofri und gloecknerd zwei neue Topleveleditoren. Die Bereiche Krankheiten_und_Beschwerden und Krankenhäuser_und_Kliniken wurden umstrukturiert und massiv ausgebaut. Erhebliche Verbesserungen fanden auch in Psyche (morgenstern) und Alternative Medizin (werth) statt. Momentan steht im Vordergrund, die Struktur der englischen Kategorie anzunähern und dabei den unter anderem durch das Ausscheiden mehrerer alter Editoren entstandenen Stau von Grünen zu beseitigen. (gloecknerd)

In Kultur hat knut Film erheblich ausgebaut, und jazzntango hat Darstellende_Kunst/Tanz zu einer Musterkategorie gemacht. Das neue Team grma, liszt und u1amo01 brachte mit Unterstützung von olri frischen Wind in die Musikkategorie. Neben etlichen durchgeführten Reorganisationen wurden alle Musikerseiten gedoppelt, d. h. Listung erfolgt einmal unter Musik/Genres und einmal unter Musik/Musiker. Hervorzuheben ist die Leistung von Editor grma, der unglaubliche Mengen an Grünen abgebaut hat. (u1amo01)

In Medien wurde - auch aufgrund des grossen Hochwassers - die Kategorie Wetter umstrukturiert und stark erweitert. Zusätzlich gibt es nun eine Kategorie Internationale Presse. (frasch)

In Online-Shops haben die Editoren viele neue Subkategorien eingeführt und die existierende Struktur verbessert. Das wird hoffentlich das Sortieren der vielen Grünen (mehr als 11.000) erleichtern.

In Regional gab es in vielen Länder kleine Reorganisationen. Die Mehrheit der Länder hatten viele thematische Sammlungen auf der Landesebene, die besser nach Thema passen. Vor allem in den Kategorien Schweiz, Deutschland und Österreich gab es sehr viele Verschiebungen. Die Verschiebungen dauern immer noch an, werden aber hoffentlich bald abgeschlossen sein. (rjfox)

In Sport gab es eine große Reorganisation: Aus 3.000 Sites sind 14.000 Sites geworden, und es wird weiter verfeinert und verbessert. Die Reorganisation wurde hauptsächlich von olri und rjfox durchgeführt, die tausende von Sites verschoben haben. (rjfox)

Das Team von Wirtschaft hat die Reorganisation analog zu der Reorg in Business weiter vorangetrieben, die ja auch bedeutet, daß nicht mehr alle kommerziellen Seiten gelistet werden, sondern nur noch die Seiten, die sich an andere Unternehmen wenden. Zur Zeit werden Bevorzugte Kategorie-Bezeichnungen für Wirtschaft erstellt.
Wir werden gut strukturiert in Kürze die 20.000er Marke überschreiten und wollen das beste deutschsprachige Verzeichnis für die Wirtschaft werden.
Großen Anteil haben z.B. glatthor, frasch, tomparis und uzs980. frasch arbeitet in Kultur_und_Unterhaltung, fertighausfachberater unterstützt Bauwesen als Greenbuster, und es gibt noch viele Ungenannte, die uns helfen. Denn problematisch in diesem Bereich sind die vielen unrevs (über 25.000). Daher wären wir für weitere Unterstützung von anderen Editoren sehr dankbar - Vorschläge finden sich zum Beispiel in Help Wanted oder im Wirtschaftsforum, wo rege diskutiert wird. Wirtschaft ist spannend! (carstenrun)

Das frühere Nachschlagen heißt jetzt Wissen - zwecks Angleichung an die vorhandenen Inhalte und an Top. Vieselmeier hat die Kategorie Weiterbildung ausgebaut und umstrukturiert. Für die nächsten Monate steht der Ausbau der Biografien-Kategorie analog zu Reference/Biographies auf dem Programm - ein Projekt, das hoffentlich zur Vereinheitlichung und weiteren Vergrößerung der Personen-Kategorien in ganz World/Deutsch führen wird. (chris2001)

Das wichtigste Thema in Wissenschaft ist zur Zeit der Bereich Recht. Hier diskutieren wir, wie die zukünftige Struktur der Kategorie aussehen soll. Beschlossen ist, daß die thematische Untergliederung in Zukunft in Gesellschaft/Recht stattfinden soll.
Daneben haben wir in Sprache und_Linguistik eine Menge getan. Zur Zeit diskutieren wir, ob wir den Bereich Sprachen in so fern zusammenfassen, als daß wir hier auch Sprachschulen und für Schüler und Lehrer didaktisch interessante Seiten listen wollen.
Ebenfalls wichtig zu erwähnen ist die vor kurzem abgeschlossene Reorganisation von Geschichte. Außerdem wurden in Geowissenschaften neue Kategorien für Geochemie, Geophysik, Geomatik und Ozeanographie angelegt. (tomparis)

Die frühere Haus_und_Garten-Kategorie ist umbenannt worden, dieser Toplevel heißt jetzt Zuhause.

In Adult wurde unter der Leitung der beiden neuen Topleveleditoren martinanied und cavalcanti die Struktur verschönert, außerdem hat aero7 eine deutsche Übersetzuung der Adult-Guidelines angefertigt. Das Unterhaltungsangebot für erwachsene Pinguine und World/Deutsch-Editoren wurde durch den Aufbau des Pinguin Nachtclub erheblich erweitert.

Besondere Ereignisse: Das Stammpublikum des Kaffeehaus zum Pinguin hat sich bei zwei großen Treffen in Zürich (14.9.2002) und Köln (7.12.2002) zur Abwechslung mal in der realen Welt getroffen. Du möchtest beim nächsten Treffen dabeisein? Dann beteilige dich an der Planung!

- Das World/Deutsch-Team
(Redaktion: chris2001)

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