Ten Tools you Gotta Use!
by lissa

I tend to be a little leary about fancy tools and customizing software, but there are some basic editor developed tools that are easy to use and really useful for even the newest editor. I highly recommend adding these to your browser favorites. Give them a spin, and I'm sure you'll end up using them often!

Note: Some of these tools require a login, so you will need to sign up prior to being able to access them.

1. Server Status Spider by wkn:

Shows on one screen whether various ODP related servers are up or not. This is the tool to check when you have login problems or can't access another tool.


2. Public Forum:

OK, not really a tool, but the place to go for information if dmoz.org is down. Also, there are very interesting discussions with the public. Use your editor name as your user name.


3. rpfuller's Spellchecker:

Runs a spellcheck on an entire category, highlighting possible errors, and allowing the option to edit the site.


4. dlugan's Gauntlets:

Shows status of listed sites, unreviewed and roboreds for various high level categories. Provides a list of editors in those categories which can be used to send feedback to all of them.


5. Smiley Lookup Thing Bookmarklet by rpfuller:

Opens up a new window with smileys and their codes.


6. Multi-Url Add Helper by theseeker:

Takes a list of URLs and formats them for the "Add a page of links" function. Handy when that function is having problems parsing out URLs and you do it manually, or if you just have a list of URLs.


7. ODP CatSpider by wkn:

Crawls a category and subcategories and gathers a variety of information to the requested depth. Provides an option for cleaning ghosts and fixing category errors. Useful for examining tree structure and finding listed editors.


8. Who links to me? by theseeker:

Enter a category and the program will return all @links, related cats and alternate language links to it and its subcats. Essential for examining and correcting linking problems.


9. dlugan's GooEdit:

Queries Google and presents results with edit button interfaces. Great for tracking down sites listed in ODP via key phrases and for adding unlisted sites to an appropriate category.


10. ODP Navigator by pchere:

Tired of that boring old dashboard? Want a different look with access to various functions while editing a category? Try the navigator, which provides a variety of front end options.


- lissa

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