24 Hours in Metaville
by mngolden

6:00amFirst big decision of the day: hit the alarm clock or throw it across the room.
6:01One word: coffee.
6:05Check email received overnight.
6:30Start getting ready for RL job.
7:00Leave for work.
7:30-8Arrive at work. Open 3-5 (or more) browser windows. Three for applications and editing, one to track the forums, and one for #ODP. Open instant messengers as well.
8-8:30Begin RL job tasks for the day.
10:00Notice suspicious application in the queue. Begin investigating.
10:15Uncool new editor's personal website in public ODP. Send them feedback on why cooling personal websites is not 'cool'.
10:30Discover aforementioned suspicious application belongs to an x-ODP member. Make note of it for other metas.
10:31Find out the newbie editor's site you uncooled has been recooled. Send the newbie feedback on why it's a *really* bad idea to continue this pattern.
10:45Oh goody. Someone didn't check for existing cats and now there are cats for both Regional/Business_and_Economy/Widgets and Business/Widgets/Regional. Start a reorg thread in Ontology to resolve the overlap; send feedback to all affected editors. Vent in #ODP.
11:00Someone in #ODP points out the thread in General with your name on it. Upon reaching it you discover it's the newbie whose site you uncooled. To put it tactfully, they're 'not happy'. Mentally hug the editors backing you up with pointers to the Guidelines.
11:05Correct misspellings of homonyms 'sheer' and 'shear' throughout the directory.
11:10Realize you need to produce more work at your RL job so your boss will actually pay you.
11:30Finish the last few spelling corrections. Drop by the Penguin Café to see the latest Luzer antics.
11:35Respond to the newbie who just instant messaged you with a question. Direct them to where they can find the answer.
11:40Send a welcome message to the newly accepted editor in your Tree.
11:42Oops. The boss is staring again - back to RL work.
NoonWoohoo! Freedom to play at ODP for a full hour. Pop back into #ODP and good-naturedly call everyone pet names like 'putz'. Inhale lunch between responses.
12:15Receive a request for a new tool. Begin programming.
12:20Visit pmeta forums to check on various threads. Comment on various editors nominated for promotion. Post additional information found in researching current abuse cases under investigation.
12:30Back to tool programming.
12:45Check on the reorg thread for responses. Nothing yet.
12:46Check other threads you?ve been following, including those for Trees in which you edit.
1:15Drat, lunch ended 15 minutes ago. Back to RL work.
1:30Have a chuckle over the new application which includes oodles of hype, every keyword known to man, plus the infamous 'and more'. Send the rejection notice. [ed: You can find old, but hilarious, examples in the Lighter Side of Meta Threads, parts I and II].
1:57The first response to the reorg thread appears. And it has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
2:12Give advice to new meta who's trying to mediate editors.
2:15Side-tracked again; back to work.
2:27Receive a call from the school nurse. Your child just threw up, could you please take him home?
2:30Tell everyone in #ODP of the family crisis. Promise you'll stop in later. Shut down browser windows.
2:32Explain the situation to your boss.
3:00Pick up green-faced child and head home.
3:15Arrive home. Dig out thermometer, chicken soup, etc. and get child 'settled'.
3:40Open multiple browser windows to edit. Let everyone in #ODP know you're home.
3:42Check email. More ranting gems similar to this morning's batch.
3:45Hurl expletives at Robozilla for showing up *now*.
4:00Locate, edit, and add a decent site to a pet cat.
4:10Check the forums again.
4:30Back to dealing with Robo.
6:00Respond to your significant other who just arrived home.
6:03Realize you forgot to pick up some necessary items at the grocer's for dinner. Make pancakes instead.
6:30Family dinner time. Change your name in #ODP to 'meta-dinner'.
7:00Back to editing.
[time lapse]
10:30Play with the cat. The feline one. Or just let it 'edit' since it's pacing in front of the monitor anyway.
11:30Tell everyone in #ODP you're going to bed. Change your name to 'meta-zzz'.
11:33Respond to various comments in #ODP.
11:40Tell everyone in #ODP you're going to bed. Add an extra Z to your name for good measure.
11:45Raid the leftovers for a midnight snack.
MidnightJoin your sleeping spouse in bed.
3:16amWake up from the nightmare that the iffy editor you approved is spamming the directory. Visit in #ODP until you feel tired enough to sleep again.
6:00amAnother day, another [insert your nation's currency here].

- mngolden

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