with an Editor: enarra
Do you enjoy being a meta? What especially is good?
Yes and no. There are aspects that I really enjoy such as: approving editors to new categories; helping to mentor a new editor and then seeing them become an editall, or reach a goal; feeling like I can really affect what goes on in the directory, hopefully in a positive way. What I don't enjoy are the negative aspects that come with a role such as this: the fighting between editors; the abuse; the rejections and having to deal with the e-mail that stems from those. But it's part of the 'job' and I just have to try and not let the bad stuff affect me.
What is your favorite editor tool (rpfuller not included)? Why?
Oh well, there are a couple that are only accessible to metas. Those are
my favourites, but if we were to look at ones that all editors can use... I really like rpfuller's new spell check, and wheresmysocks' list of abbreviations: (It might be simple, and not really a tool, but it sure comes in handy). Tulipchain is also a must.
If you could create another editor tool, what would it be?
I honestly have no idea. Whenever I do have an idea I usually ask rpfuller... sometimes my wishes come true, I have a bunch of little bookmarklets and other small custom tools. For example he created a bookmarklet that allows me to add an @link to a category before it's fully loaded (handy in @link farms). I like anything that will save me time. :)
What area other than /Games do you enjoy the most?
Well, I started out editing in Arts/ so I really enjoy many areas of that tree. The type of site found in most of the categories there is the same as in Games/ (fan sites) so my style of editing is well suited there. I also enjoy editing in the United States, I like the structure of those categories, and the endless posibilities for @linking. News/ is fun for a challenge (they have few editors, and *really* need a helping hand). Lately I've also been working on a project in Computers/ which has been exciting to see come about. A great team of editors there.
What will be your biggest challenge in dmoz in 2002? Why?
Building my new house... but I think you wanted an ODP related answer eh? I'd like to work on some unfinished business in Games/ -- there are a few major issues with game placement that have arisen with the popularity of internet-based video games. It's proven to be a very heated conversation however, and is currently on hold until we can come up with a new proposal, or set of proposals. Agreeing to a solution that is acceptable to all Games/ editors will be a huge challenge, though certainly not mine alone. An even bigger challenge could be seeing the Web Design re-org in Computers through to the end, as it's a huge project and will require a lot of dedication.
What are you most looking forward to? Why?
Moving into my new house... oh wait, ODP again... right. Seeing the above projects completed.
- dpen2000