Stuck for a New Category?
by totalxsive

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to find more sites for a category that you edit. You've tried every search engine, been through every site hoping in vain for a links section, yet you still find nothing new. Therefore, it's probably time to apply for another category.

Firstly, have a look at the list of related categories in your category. Is there anything that you'd like to edit there? If so, apply.

You may also find that there's an equivalent category in Kids and Teens that caters for a younger audience, or if English isn't the only language you speak, you may find a category in World/ that is about the same field, but in another language. You may also find an area-specific version of your category in Regional/.

If you're still stuck, here are some suggestions for other categories to apply for:


Do you have a band or artist that you are fond of? Or maybe you're just interested in a particular style of music? Are you fanatical about a particular celebrity? Do you have a favourite film? Or like reading books by a particular author?


Maybe you're an expert in a certain field of business? If so, why not apply for a category here?


Are you a programmer? Do you like watching webcams or reading weblogs?


Do you have a favourite video game? Board game? Or maybe you prefer to play games at parties?


Do you have a lot of knowledge about a specific illness? Or are interested in animal welfare?


Do you enjoy cooking? Or a spot of DIY? Do you enjoy tending your garden?


Do you enjoy reading newspapers, or perhaps prefer a satirical look at the news? Does the state of the weather interest you? Maybe you find the world of politics enlightening?


Do you have a favourite hobby? You'll almost certainly find a category for it here.


Are/were you a student? If so, you may find your college/university has a category. Do you enjoy looking at maps? Or maybe you're a master at knots?


Does the scientific world interest you? A spot of astronomy, perhaps? Or does addition and subtraction tickle your fancy? Are you a down to earth person? Does technology make you tick?


Are you one of those people who loves retail therapy? Does online shopping appeal to you? Then maybe you'll find your feet here.


Are you interested in a particular religion? Maybe you're a vegetarian, or even a vegan? Do you believe that there is something out there? Do you have a disability or feel strongly about something?


Do you play a particular sport? Do you support a particular team? Or want to know more about a less popular sport?

These are only a handful of the 460,000+ categories in the ODP that you can apply for. Before applying to edit another category, you should read This official document gives you plenty of advice for applying for a new category, including a checklist of things to make sure that your existing categories are in ship-shape condition first, to improve your chances of gaining your next category. It also explains the application process, and common reasons why applications are rejected.


- totalxsive

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