DMOZ Monthly

Table of Contents

News and Announcements
Ontology Beats
New Editalls & Metas
Good Reads

Alternative Language Linking: Please Take Care
  by jorisdelft
Greenbusters: What and Why?
  by merlin1
Interview with an Editor: angela45

  by dlugan
Interview with an Editor: rpfuller

  by dpen2000
CatFiller, GreenBuster, and RedBuster
(also available in Italian)
  by nochs
A Growing Kid-Friendly Directory

  by cajunfries
Kids and Teens: A History

  by holidayzone

  by tedk1

Past Issues

December 2001 Issue 10

Kids and Teens: A History Baby Mozilla
November 14th, 2001, marked the first anniversary of the juvenile version of the Open Directory Project, but the roots of this endeavor go back much further, as holidayzone explains.

Greenbusters: What and Why?
MozillaBorn as a solution to the problems of new editors receiving no submissions, and wanting to gain experience, and experienced editors longing for help with the masses of unreviewed in their area. merlin1 details the system and how editors can get involved.

Alternative Language LinkingAtlas Mozilla
jorisdelft attempts to clarify the purpose and usage of alternative language linking, a relatively new feature, and often a subject of confusion. He also presents a number of useful tools, with suggestions for use.


ODP Statistics

  March June August September December
Sites 2,470,410 2,675,169 2,825,496 2,860,444 3,041,309
Categories 349,015 378,457 400,468 404,916 438,582
Editors 35,106 37,651 40,042 40,590 42,753
Please send all comments, questions or suggestions to the newsletter editor, or


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